40 days Strategy Plan for NEET and JEE


40 days Strategy Plan for NEET

रसायन विज्ञान


भौतिक विज्ञान




Ø  सामान्य मौलिक रसायन

Ø  सामान्य अकार्बनिक रसायन विज्ञान

Ø  सामान्य कार्बनिक रसायन

Ø  रासायनिक बमबारी

Ø  परमाणु की संरचना

Ø  ठोस अवस्था

Ø  समन्वय यौगिक

Ø  संतुलन

Ø  रासायनिक आवधिकता

Ø  जैविक अणुओं




Ø  इकाइयाँ और आयाम

Ø  वेक्टर

Ø  गति के नियम

Ø  कामशक्तिऊर्जा

Ø  आकर्षण-शक्ति

Ø  इलेक्ट्रोस्टाटिक्स

Ø  चालू बिजली

Ø  आधुनिक भौतिकी




Ø मानव फिजियोलॉजी

·         पाचन तंत्र

·         श्वसन प्रणाली

·         उत्सर्जन तंत्र

·         हरकत

·         संचार प्रणाली

·         नियंत्रण और समन्वय

Ø  सेलसंरचना और समन्वय

Ø  सेल साइकिल और डिवीजन

Ø  वंशानुक्रम और भिन्नता का सिद्धांत

Ø  आणविक आनुवंशिकी

Ø  विकास

Ø जैव प्रौद्योगिकी का सिद्धांत

Ø  जैव प्रौद्योगिकी के अनुप्रयोग








Ø Units and Dimension

Ø Vector

Ø Law's of motion

Ø Work,Power, Energy

Ø Gravitation

Ø Electrostatics

Ø Current Electricity

Ø Modem Physics




Ø General Fundamental Chemistry

Ø General Inorganic Chemistry

Ø General Organic Chemistry

Ø Chemical Bonding

Ø Structure of Atom

Ø Solid State

Ø Coordination Compound

Ø Equilibrium

Ø Chemical Periodicity

Ø Biomolecules



Ø Human  Physiology

·        Digestive System

·        Respiratory System

·        Excretory System

·        Locomotion

·        Circulating System

·        Control and Coordination

Ø Cell : Structure and Function

Ø Cell cycle and Division

Ø Principle of Inheritance and Variation

Ø Molecular Genetics

Ø Evolution

Ø Principle of Biotechnology

Ø Application of Biotechnology



                        NEET Syllabus  for chemistry

Class XI

·       some Basic Concepts of Chemistry

·       Structure of Atom

·       Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Periodicity in Properties

·       Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure

·       States of Matter: Gases and Liquids

·       Thermodynamics

·       Equilibrium

·       Redox Reactions

·       Hydrogen

·       s-Block Elements (Alkali and Alkaline earth metals)

·       Some p-Block Elements

·       Organic Chemistry-Some Basic Principles and Techniques

·       Hydrocarbons

·       Environmental Chemistry

Class XII

·         Solid State

·         Solutions

·         Electrochemistry

·         Chemical Kinetics

·         Surface Chemistry

·         General Principles and Processes of Isolation of Elements

·         p-Block Elements

·         d and f Block Elements

·         Coordination Compounds

·         Haloalkanes and Haloarenes

·         Alcohols, Phenols and Ether

·         Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic Acids

·         Organic Compounds Containing NITROGEN

·         Biomolecules

·         Polymers

·         Chemistry in Everyday Life

                            NEET Syllabus for Physics

Class XI

·         Physical-World and measurement

·         Kinematics

·         Laws of Motion

·         Work, Energy and Power

·         Motion of System of particles and Rigid Body

·         Gravitation

·         Properties of Bulk Matter

·         Thermodynamics

·         Behaviour of Perfect Gas and Kinetic Theory

·         Oscillations and Waves

Class XII

·         Electostatics

·         Current Electricity

·         Magnetic Effects of Currents and Magnetism

·         Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Currents

·         Electromagnetic Waves

·         Optics

·         Dual Nature of Matter and Radiation

·         Atoms and Nuclei

·         Electronic Devices

·         Organic Compounds Containing Nitrogen

·         Biomolecules

·         Polymers

·         Chemistry in Everyday Life

NEET Syllabus for Biology

Class XI

·         Diversity in Living World

·         Structural Organisation in Animals and Plants

·         Cell structure and function

·         Plant Physiology

·         Human Physiology

Class XII

·         Reproduction

·         Genetics and Evolution

·         Biology and Human Welfare

·         Biotechnology and Its Applications

·         Ecology and Environment

40 days Strategy Plan for JEE

रसायन विज्ञान


भौतिक विज्ञान





Ø  सामान्य मौलिक रसायन

Ø  सामान्य अकार्बनिक रसायन विज्ञान

Ø  सामान्य कार्बनिक रसायन

Ø  रासायनिक बमबारी

Ø  परमाणु की संरचना

Ø  ठोस अवस्था

Ø  समन्वय यौगिक

Ø  संतुलन

Ø  रासायनिक आवधिकता

Ø  जैविक अणुओं




Ø  इकाइयाँ और आयाम

Ø  वेक्टर

Ø  गति के नियम

Ø  कामशक्तिऊर्जा

Ø  आकर्षण-शक्ति

Ø  इलेक्ट्रोस्टाटिक्स

Ø  चालू बिजली

Ø  आधुनिक भौतिकी



Ø  भेदभाव

Ø  एकीकरण

Ø  वेक्टर

Ø  मैट्रिसेस

Ø  पक्का

Ø  व्युत्पन्न का अनुप्रयोग

Ø  व्युत्क्रम ट्राइनोमेट्रिक फ़ंक्शन

Ø  रेखीय समीकरण

Ø  सीधी रेखा

Ø  सीमा और अणु

Ø  आंकड़े

Ø  संभावना










Ø Units and Dimension

Ø Vector

Ø Law's of motion

Ø Work,Power, Energy

Ø Gravitation

Ø Electrostatics

Ø Current Electricity

Ø Modem Physics




Ø General Fundamental Chemistry

Ø General Inorganic Chemistry

Ø General Organic Chemistry

Ø Chemical Bonding

Ø Structure of Atom

Ø Solid State

Ø Coordination Compound

Ø Equilibrium

Ø Chemical Periodicity

Ø Biomolecules



Ø Differentiation

Ø Integration

Ø Vector

Ø Matrices

Ø Determinate

Ø Application of Derivatives

Ø Inverse Trignometric Functions

Ø Linear Equations

Ø Straight Line

Ø Limit and Derivatives

Ø   Statistics

Ø Probability


JEE Syllabus for Chemistry

Class XI

·                    Chemical Bonding

·                    Chemical Equilibrium

·                    Gaseous State

·                    Atomic Structure

·                    General Organic Chemistry

·                    Stiochiometry


Class XII

·                    Redox and Electrochemistry

·                    Chemical Kinetics

·                    Hydrocarbons and its Substituents

·                    Biomolecules and Polymers

·                    Hydrogen and S Block Elements

·                    Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties

                        JEE Syllabus for Physics

Class XI

·        Kinematics

·        Laws of Motion

·        Rotational Motion

·        Units and Dimensions

·        Work, Energy and Power

·        Waves

·        Thermal Properties

·        Oscillations

·        Thermodynamics

·        Kinetic Theory of Gases

·        Mechanics of Solids and Fluids

·        Gravity

Class XII

·        Moving Charges and Magnetism

·        Electric Charges and Fields

·        Current Electricity

·        Electric Potential and Capacitance

·        Alternating Current

·        Ray Optics

·        Semiconductors

·        Dual Nature of Radiation

·        Wave Optics

·        Electromagnetic Waves and communications System

·        Atoms and Nuclei

·        Magnetism and Matter

·        Electromagnetic Induction

                    JEE Syllabus for Mathematics

Class XI

·        Sets, Relations and Functions

·        Trigonometric Identities

·        Straight Lines

·        Circles

·        Limits and Differentiations

·        Statistics

·        Probability

·        Conic Sections

·        Permutations and Combinations

·        Solutions and Heights, Triangles and Distances

·        Complex Numbers and Quadratic Equations

·        Progressive Series and Binomial Theorem

·        Mathematical Reasoning and Induction

 Class XII

·        Relations and Functions

·        Inverse Trigonometry

·        Matrices and Determinants

·        Integration

·        3D Geometry

·        Vectors

·        Differential Equations

·        Application of Integrals

·        Applications of Differentiability

·      Probability-2