AIIMS Raipur Recruitment 2020
No. of post - 01
Post Name - Multi Tasking Staff
Salary - Rs 10,000/- per month
Job location - Raipur
Official Notification -
Wake-In-Date - 04/09/2020
Age limit - Not Exceeding 35 as 04.09.2020
Qualification Details -
- Walk in interview on 04-09-2020 for filling up of multi-tasking staff in correlation of Vitamin - D levels with markers of bone metabolism in COVID-19 patients at AIIMS Raipur, Chhattisgarh.
Job Responsibility -
- Acquring data
- Transport of sample
- Data entry
- Data analysis with typing support
Department of orthopaedics DI block ground floor room number 10 gate number 4 AIIMS Raipur Chhattisgarh
Selection procedure
i) list of eligible candidate will be e displayed on the website of AIIMS Raipur.No separate call letters/ admit card will be issued.
ii) in case of large number of applicants interview may be spilled over next day or a screening test may be held or any other criteria may be adopted as may be deemed fit to shortlisted the candidates.
iii) selection will be made on the basis of performance in the interview and or written test. Written test if conducted will consist of multi choice objective questions only.
How to apply
candidate are required to bring the duly filled application form in the attached format along with all original marksheet and certificate in support of educational qualification and experience certificate if any anyone original photo wearing identity card issued by any government authority that is Aadhar card pan card voter ID driving licence and one set photocopy of East document. Candidates falling to bring any of the above documents will not be allowed to appear for interview and written examination 4-9-2020 from 2 p.m. at department of orthopaedics D black ground floor room number 10 gate number 4 AIIMS Raipur Chhattisgarh.
Terms and condition
The appointment is purely on contract basis initially for a period of three months with effect for the rate of joining extendable up to level depending on the performance of candidate and requirement of the project. If the contact is not extended for the same will lapse automatically.the appointment can also be terminated at any time on other side by giving one month notice or by paying 11 salary without assigning any reason or on failure to complete the period of 31 to the certification of the competent authority. Candidates should note that their appointment will be for the project only and they will not be the employee of AIIMS Raipur. No other additional allowance other than the consolidated salary mentioned will be admissible. The appointments shall not be entitled to any of the benefits available to the other employee of AIIMS Raipur appointment on regular basis. The appointment shall perform the duties as assigned to him or her. The the competent authority reserves the right to assign any duty as and when required.No extra for additional allowance will be admission in case of such assignment. The appointments shall not have any rights or claim to appointment on regular basis in AIIMS Raipur on any post. The appointment shall be on the whole time appointment for the project concerned and shall not accept any other assignment paid or otherwise and shall not engaged himself or herself in a private practice of any kind during the period of contract. if required the pointy may be subjected to medical examination for the competent medical board for which he and she will have before the designated medical authorities. No TA will be admissible for attending the interview or written test and for joining duty in case of selection. Leave entitlement of the appointee shall be covered in terms of instruction contained in DOP&Ts OM No. 12016/3/84- Estt.(L) dated 12.4.1985 as amended from time to time.
if any declaration given or information furnished by him or her is found to be incorrect or false or if he /she is found to have fully suppressed any material information he and she will be liable for removal from service and also such other action as may be deemed necessary by the competent authority.
if any candidate is found convincing for his and her selection and she will be disqualified for the selection Process.
The decision of the competent authority regarding selection of candidate will be final and no representation in this regard will be entertained. final result will be declared on the website of AIIMS Raipur and selected candidate will be informed through email. Candidates are advised to regular visit the website of AIIMS Raipur that is for updates regarding this recruitment. no separate communication will be sent to candidate regarding change in date time of interview or written examination